Issue No. 012
Do you remember classic newspapers? Those large pieces of printed paper of the pre-internet-era (the pre-iPad-era in
particular) that you got delivered manually in the morning or that you bought at the kiosk round the corner on your way to
work. A medium that specifically shaped our cities as cafes or - in more distinguished areas - some noble clubs had to be
established where those papers could be read and talked over again – in more or less distinguished ways. On the other
hand major parts of what one could read in those papers were the latest gossip that some when exceeded the village square.
Thus not only due to the mere size of cities but also due to the possibili-ties of inclusion and exclusion only a city allows
for and that must be overcome by a news medium like the newspaper. Finally, event notes became necessary to advice a
potential audience on where to go to and what to see only to tell of its suc-ceeding or falling flat in the next issue. A
virtuous circle appears: the city is a mediating as well as a mediated space.
Nevertheless, urban space is a largely neglected topic in contemporary political philosophy and ethics. The absence of
explicit works on the city in the field of information ethics is even more sur-prising given the general interest in the
concept of space in contemporary philosophy: cyberspace, global village and communities are the terms used – nothing
derived from the living space where the majority of humankind lives. Is that by accident or by purpose? Is there may be a
categorical differ-ence between the urban and the cyber space?
To find profound answers to these valid questions we dedicated this issue on the reflection of the mutual shaping of the city
and ICTs, especially on its ethical and political dimensions.
We do thank the editors of this issue, Michael Nagenborg, Anders Albrechtslund, Martin Klamt and David Murakami Wood for
exploring this interesting subject, introducing it into the scholarly discourse with their profound call for paper and
producing together with the authors a brilliant new issue of IRIE. For some reason we had to confine ourselves this time with
only four articles dealing with the subject asked for – fully in accordance with our striving for quality, not
All the more we are happy that Charles Ess handed in his position paper that he prepared for the special panel discussion
“Changes of the Internet - Changing Information Ethics?” on occa-sion of the 10th anniversary of the foundation
of the International Center for Information Ethics @ CEPE 09 (June 27, 2009) with the title “Brave New Worlds? The Once
and Future Information Ethics”.
We hope to contribute with this issue once again to your personal thinking of the future of the infor-mation society and look
forward to any corollary it may have.
Yours sincerely,
the editors.
Vol. 12 (full journal) |
edited by Michael Nagenborg, Anders Albrechtslund, Martin Klamt, David Murakami Wood |
(1.005 KB) |
On "ICT & The City" |
by Michael Nagenborg, Anders Albrechtslund, Martin Klamt, David Murakami Wood |
Language: English |
Digital Materiality as Imprints and Landmarks: The case of Northern Lights |
by Anna Croon Fors and Mikael Wiberg |
Language: English |
abstract: In this paper a case is made concerning how important levels of media
technology and new interactive tex-tures affect urban landscapes. The case is based on experiences and empirical examples
from a Scandinavian city (Northern Lights) in which levels of interactive infrastructures, mediated spaces, and places, are
high, and in which accessibility and social inclusion traditionally have been strong components in societal and systems
design. Our designerly approach discloses some of ways that the city is enacted by a new digital materiality. This
materiality can only bee disclosed if the relationship between the city and ICT is understood as a meaningful whole – a
totality – in this text illustrated by the notions of landmarks and imprints. Based on our case we suggest that it is
possible to employ an ethical dwelling reflecting the endless, active and ongo-ing responsibility for the city and its
interactive textures in everyday life. |
The cybercity as a medium. Public living and agency in the digitally shaped urban space |
by Seija Ridell |
Language: English |
abstract: The digitalized urban environment is explored in the paper as a medium with
several overlapping and inter-weaving spatial layers. The author suggests that it has grown increasingly complex in the
multi-spaced and multiply scaled cybercities for people to share in public space. Moreover, the challenges of public living
in contemporary urban settings emerge most intensely at the points of intersection of the invisible technostruc-ture and the
(mass) media saturated phenomenality of the city. At these intersections, one ethically and politically burning issue is how
people through their ICT-related activities contribute to the =automatic produc-tion of space‘. More specifically,
critical attention should be paid to people‘s active, but not necessarily self-reflexive, participation in the
consolidation of the =technological unconscious‘ that conditions their own public agency. |
Sensing Environmental Danger in the City |
by Torin Monahan, Jennifer T. Mokos |
Language: English |
abstract: In this paper, we identify and discuss some of the ethical problems
associated with digital sensors used to detect water contamination and air pollution in the United States. Such safety
devices are often deployed unsystematically and with questionable efficacy, thereby structuring the life chances of people in
unequal ways. Whereas most technological infrastructures are hidden from view . or at least from active awareness . until
they cease to function, those infrastructures meant to monitor and/or regulate largely "invisible" public health dangers
resist public awareness even when they fail. Because such detection systems tend to indivi-dualize responsibility for
reducing risk, the systems may normalize and perhaps exacerbate root problems of contamination and unequal exposure. One
ethical challenge is to render such systems and their failures legible. |
Manifestations and implications of an augmented urban life |
by Rodrigo Firmino and Fábio Duarte |
Language: English |
abstract: In this paper we investigate how the shift to a completely urban global
world intertwined by ubiquitous and mobile ICTs changes the ontological meaning of space, and how the use of these
technologies challenges the social and political construction of territories and the cultural appropriation of places. Our
approach to this conceptual debate will focus on what we consider to be more direct and tangible implications of this
augmen-tation of urban life. Three types of manifestations will represent the core of the discussions presented here, both
through theoretical approaches and analytical descriptions of some examples: surveillance artefacts which permeate our daily
life and allow a hypothetical total control of space; locative media that gives us the freedom of spatial mobility and the
possibility of creating and recreating places; and the global networks of signs, values and ideologies, which break down the
social and political boundaries of territories. |
Brave New Worlds? The Once and Future Information Ethics |
by Charles Ess |
Language: English |
abstract: I highlight several aspects of current and future developments of the
internet, in order to draw from these in turn specific consequences of particular significance for the ongoing development
and expansion of informa-tion ethics. These consequences include changing conceptions of self and privacy in both Western and
Eastern countries, and correlative shifts from the communication technologies of literacy and print to a \secondary orality..
These consequences in turn imply that current and future information ethics should focus on developing a global but
pluralistic virtue ethics - one that may offset the anti-democratic dangers of such secondary orality. |